But make it People official — Other gym news — Thoughts from Charlotte Drury
By Lela Moore
The IX: Gymnastics Saturday with Lela Moore, Dec. 10, 2022

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It is always funny when an article is published revealing that the muggles of the gymnastics world finally see what we on the inside already know.
Such was the case this week when People ran a story Monday about Olympian-turned-NYU theater student Laurie Hernandez and Charlotte Drury, the first American woman to win a gold medal in trampoline at a World Cup, “revealing” the couple’s two-year relationship.
Now, that story was really just a 500-word explanation of Hernandez’s Instagram post from Monday in which she wished Drury a happy anniversary, complete with a DTR statement from Hernandez’s rep, as you do.
Drury posted a similar sentiment Wednesday.
But we already knew this love story because Hernandez told us about it at least a year and a half ago, with the sweetest Pride-themed Instagram Story.

And we saw an anniversary post last year too:
Hernandez and Drury weren’t going to any lengths to keep a secret. Both their IGs are public. But I don’t think many mainstream publications out there — certainly not ones as aggressively basic as People — are hanging out on gymnasts’ socials all day waiting for relationship scoop. And, it’s possible they have asked Hernandez to confirm a relationship before and she has said no. Still, I’m Of an Age when I can remember when a relationship like this would have been gossip, not news, so this is nice to see.
And it’s nice to feel special as a gymnastics fan and know that Hernandez and Drury have been out to their fans as well as anyone who looked hard enough – certainly a huge advance in representation for LGBTQ+ gymnasts out there.
And People, bless their basic hearts, is helping advance the cause in their own way, two years later :). One small springboard for woman, one giant trampoline leap for womankind.
P.S. Speaking of badass LGBTQ+ role models in women’s sports, Brittney Griner is free! Go read all about it at our women’s basketball newsroom, The Next.
Other gym news
Our queen Kathy Johnson Clarke proposes a separate NCAA Code of Points. We love to see it.
An article on Justin Spring at Alabama, from our pals at College Gym News.
Lauren over at The Gymternet chose 14 great but lower-profile routines that didn’t make worlds apparatus finals and highlighted them. This is the work she does best, and if you’re looking to follow some lesser-known programs and gymnasts, this is a great way in.
Clemson broke ground for a new gym this week.
Morgan Hurd is baaaaack! She competed at Hype Night, Florida’s version of a preseason intrasquad meet.
And please let Riley McCusker crack that Florida beam lineup.
We see you too, Leanne Wong, and your Oliveira (a Dos Santos half-out).
Wong’s new floor routine:
Yurchenko double pike, just for fun? Cool story, Tiana Sumanasakera!
Carlotta Ferlito did an interview on Italian television alleging abuse by coaches and the Italian federation. (NB: This is in Italian.)
Five at The IX: Charlotte Drury
You just read all about Drury’s relationship with Laurie Hernandez above, now see her in this short film where she goes through the basics of her discipline, trampoline. (Look closely, and catch Madison Kocian and Kyla Ross cameos!) This came out a year ago, but much like her love story, I don’t think it got much mainstream press. Take a look and see if you don’t immediately search for tramp classes or, at the least, your closest SkyZone. (Guilty.)
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